Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A little indoor gardening

I've been obsessed with watching Jamie Oliver's show "Meals in Minutes" on BBC America this summer.  It's like Rachael Ray with a cool, laid-back Brit that is a professional chef and home gardener.  With Wimbledon on for two weeks and thoughts of the Olympics in my head, I have become a bit of an Anglophile.
from Foodista.com

Anyway, Jamie Oliver always uses fresh herbs in his cooking and he just meanders over to a container and rips some off.  He's even got some in antique coffee cans; too cute.  So I wanted to find a place in my house to pot some herbs.  Unfortunately, I don't have a cute kitchen window that would be an ideal place.  My kitchen is an island of sadness in the back of the house.  Sigh.

Refusing to be put off, I resolved to find some window somewhere that the cats (3 of them!) couldn't access.  Yeah, that doesn't exist.  We have ninja cats that can get anywhere and will chew anything green.  Grrr...

Don't be fooled by the innocent looking feline.  It's a ruse.

What is that apparatus hanging in the window, you ask?

Why, it's a hanging herb garden!  I used a large unfinished CD crate from JoAnn's that I had lying around and painted it white.  I took a few hooks and screwed them into each corner of the crate, used about 3 jump rings on each corner to connect the hooks to the length of chain I had cut from Home Depot that is threaded through the eye closures screwed into the window opening frame.  

I've got basil and thyme growing in these and some rosemary and parsley outside.  Those are the herbs I use the most in my cooking.  The pots and containers do have holes in them for drainage so I have a plastic bag lining the bottom of them so water doesn't drip onto the windowsill.  

I've also taken to keeping some cut green onions in some water.  I've used a batch at least two additional times before the bottom starts to look a little...hinky.   It's an easy way to keep a small amount of green onion around for garnish or a quick topping.

Those are my indoor gardening adventures!  I'd like to get a bay tree for the glass room, but we'll see how that goes.  They are surprisingly difficult to find around here.  A Meyer lemon tree would be fun, too.  Any gardening adventures of your own?