Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beat the Pleats Part Deux: Beaten But Never Gone

You might recall I had this remnant from a skirt refashion last week.  
Soon to be less sad and lonely
 I jokingly wore it over a pair of jeans and asked my husband how he liked the progress on my skirt refashion.  His shocked look was incredibly amusing, but I was able to assure him that the 6 inches of material was indeed not intended to be a new garment for work.  I did get thinking about how to use it though.  I picked up a slightly embellished black tank top at a thrift store to attach to the mini-skirt.
Super soft from multiple washings I am sure
 I just sewed the two pieces together and ended up with this cute sleeping outfit! It doesn't seem appropriate to show what I could be sleeping in on the internet, so my silent model showing it off will have to suffice.  This means the skirt resulted in no-waste!  Refashioning at its best.
At least my assistant looks comfortable!
By the way, next week is a special week at StylishSheets since it is my school's Homecoming!  I'm not actually excited about the week itself, but I am chaperoning the dance and that presents a perfect opportunity to refashion some formal(ish) wear!  Here's how it's going to go:  next Monday and Wednesday I will post about my two Homecoming dance refashions, and on Wednesday, I will have you (my lovely readers) vote on which I should wear!  Just as a teaser, here are the two "befores."


Should be fun!  See you next week!

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