Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Laundry matters

I'm in the process of trying to civilize my laundry area.  It's an awful place to do laundry.  Honestly, I have decided that laundry is dreary enough without having to face clutter and dirt.  The irony of doing laundry in the dirtiest corner of the garage is also not lost on me, but I don't appreciate it.  I've got some reorganization ideas that are in the works (to be continued), but I have a crafty thing to share.  I was inspired by these kitchen container labels...
via Pinterest

I wanted something pretty to put laundry detergent in, and I found this container at Target.

I used my Silhouette cutter to create a label out of vinyl.  I had to use tweezers to get all the insides out of the a's and e's and such.

For ease, I used vinyl transfer paper to ensure that my words were all aligned and so I didn't have to try to place them one by one. This step alleviates the tedium of vinyl transfer.

Got everything applied and here is the final product!  I picked my favorite two definitions from the dictionary, or rather the literal, technical one and another that was more... philosophical.  The two things you really want from doing laundry, right? 

I found a set of cheap scoops on Amazon to keep in the detergent.  I used DejaVu Serif Condensed for the word "clean", Deja Vu Sans Condensed for "[kleen]", Cordia New for "adj", and Courier New for the definitions.  

Hope you like it, and I am excited to put it in a new and improved laundry area soon!  

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