Saturday, April 27, 2013

Don't Feed the Plants!

I didn't mean it; you should totally feed your plants!  They bring joy and blessed oxygen to the world.  But don't feed the ravenous, alien, blood-eating variety (Audrey II!  No!). Random musical theatre references aside,  I have discovered a couple of indoor plants that I can't kill!  I tend to forget to water them or accidentally keep them in a dark corner where they plot their revenge for my maltreatment until they die.  Here is my short list for the indoor plant-challenged.

1) Christmas Cactus (genus Schlumbergera)

They are cactus, so keep in a bright place and water on occasion.  I have ignored this for many, many weeks at a time before, and it has survived for about 4 years so far.  It even blooms in time for Christmas!

2. Orchids  

I am absolutely not an orchid expert, and I have killed many.  This time though, my mother-in-law gave me two orchids for Easter last year, and I was determined to give it the old college try.  I keep them in my sunroom, which gets lots of indirect light.  I also keep the moss they are in somewhat moist; I walk by and touch the moss on occasion, and if it's dry, I water them.  No schedule.  Mostly ignoring.  I don't know how it works, but they both bloomed this year.  The white one has 11 blooms on it so far!  My mom did wash the leaves once since dust on them can apparently hinder the happiness of the plant.

3. Philodendron 

Phil for short.  He's kind of in a dark spot, I check him for dryness and water him maybe once a month.  He seems happy and gives us oxygen.  Easiest relationship I have ever had.

4. Air plants

I might have an abnormal obsession with these, but I think they are too cute!  It's like having little aliens around the house.  I literally just spray them with some water whenever I think of it.

I've got them every which way...hanging in a window...

sitting on a shelf...
 on a window sill...
in a votive holder...
in a glass container with aquarium gravel...
and even in a cage!

Okay, looking at them all together, I might have a problem.

There you have it, my four mostly kill-proof indoor plants!  They add a bit of life to our decor, and I love them.

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