Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ever see The Big Lebowski? I think this shirt was in the background somewhere...

Okay, it isn't actually a bowling shirt, but my husband thought the original looked like one.  I got this for about 70 cents at a Goodwill Pound Store; yes, seven-tenths of a dollar!  I really liked the pattern and the button color even though the fit was huge and the fake pocket flaps were kind of dumb.

I turned the shirt around so the former back was the new front.  I also removed the collar and pocket flaps with my seam ripper.

 I folded the button up side to create a v-shaped back and added some straps across the back when it wouldn't lay quite right.

 I repurposed three buttons for the new front to add some visual interest.
 Took it in at the sides, fixed up the neck hem, and suddenly I got this like-new and kind of retro looking top!  New favorite!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's a Mad Man World: Shirt Dress

I found this big and tall size shirt (18/36) for $3 at my new favorite store in which to find deals.  I took it in at the sides, removed and finished the sleeves, and sewed a bit up the front (I've heard this might be called a placket, but I am largely ignorant about such things).
Why am I smiling? I have no arms!
 Add a belt and this is what I got!  Sorry it needs ironing, haven't gotten to that step (or rather Andrew hasn't gotten home yet to do it for me).  I think this is my favorite one so far.
Arms are back!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Update a Little Furniture, Sit Down Tonight, Sit Down Tonight.

I've got a couple of furniture updates that happened over the summer (ahem...last summer) to share.  First, I went patrolling Craiglist for a low dresser with skinny legs (what can I say? I'm a legs girl).  Score one for the list of Craig!  The trip itself was a bit of a nightmare (let's just say a frog died and the Jacksonville boonies were visited late at night), but I'm glad we persevered.  This is it in its half-finished state.
 I sanded the everlovin' bejeezus out of the thing, and then stained the bottom and sides mahogany and painted the top white.  A couple of thin even coats of Acrylacq Safecoat (a no-voc sealer) and this sucker was done.
I captured that wild golf ball and am holding it captive.  Don't call PETA on me, please.
Next, I found a $20 chair at a local thrift store.  It swivels and rocks!  This stripe isn't even that bad if it wasn't so dirty and ratty.

A good reupholstering later with indoor/outdoor fabric and voila!  I got this done for about $250 which isn't so bad considering I got to pick the material, it has a ton of piping (yikes!), buttons, and only cost twenty smackaroos to begin with.  

I even had enough extra to make an ottoman, but that will have to wait for another day (since I haven't finished it yet).  My summer of fun continued with a church yard sale find for $10.

It was in pretty good shape again, just not my color.  See the legs?  Perfect stylistic match for the low dresser; don't know how I got so lucky.  Same MO as the other: clean, sand, stain, paint, and seal.  Here is the finished project.

That lamp is even semi-diyed since it didn't work and I rewired it.  Whew!  That was quite a bit of work now that I think about it (except the chair, that was easy...for me at least).    

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tunic Trouble

I found this little gem at Goodwill with my mater.  I just thought it was an ill-fitting dress with some pretty details and trim.  
Pretty color!  Ugly shape!
 Nope!  Unless I was planning on showing some serious leg (and hip...eek!), this was not a dress.  I decided to make it a top, so I took in the sides and hacked off the length.  I didn't want to lose the pretty detail at the bottom though, so I cut it off and attached it.
Hello green shorts...why can we see you?
Here it is!  A well-fitted and slightly adorned top!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My first refashion!

I've been reading and wanting to try my hand at upcycling clothing.  Here is my first attempt!
Ack! Shoulder pads!

I got this dress at Goodwill for $6 with hopes to turn it into two different pieces.  A quick wash of an apparently hand wash or dry clean only garment, and I had enough intact to make one.  Live and learn!  I took the skirt part and fitted it my dress form, took in the sides a bit, added some straps, transplanted a detail and here is what I got.

Not bad for a first try I think!  I will definitely try another one.  It is kind of exhilarating! I paired it with a $2 thrifted belt.  I am going to hunt for cheaper pieces to start with in the future.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We Interrupt Our Scheduled Program for a Relatively Unimportant Announcement

I have made the best Curried Cauliflower Soup of my life.  I'm posting this so I don't forget how to make it (it was totally spur of the moment, no recipe or anything) and so anyone who loves this kind of soup like I do can make it, too.

2 onions, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
3-4 ribs of celery, chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
one head of cauliflower, chopped in bite-size pieces
Spices: [amounts of each are approximate since I just eyeball and never measure, I'd say add them to taste]
1 tsp. coriander (adds floral warmth)
1 tbs. mustard (adds bit of bite -very subtle)
1.5 tbs. garam masala (adds warmth with mix of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, etc.)
2-3 tbs. turmeric (adds subtle earthy flavor and all the color)
1.5 tbs. cumin (adds smokiness)
1 can of coconut milk
1 can of chicken broth
1 can of fire-roasted tomatoes
1 can of chickpeas
scant spoonful of sugar

1. Sautee the onions in some olive oil over high heat (I just did this in my big cast iron soup pot, one pot meal-woot!) with some salt for about 4-5 minutes until they begin to soften.  Add the chopped garlic and sautee another minute or two.
2. Add the carrots and celery and sautee for about 2-3 minutes.
3. Add all the spices and cook with the vegetation for a bit to develop their flavors.
4. Add the tomatoes and cook down for a couple of minutes.
5. Add the coconut milk, chicken broth, sugar, and chickpeas.  Bring to a low simmer.
6. Add the cauliflower and simmer until it is tender.

Sriracha chili sauce (for my husband's since he likes heat)
Greek yogurt (all the tang of sour cream, but no fat and protein to boot!)
toasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds toasted in dry pan with some salt)

You could always use vegetable broth or vegan chicken bouillon cubes to make this vegetarian, and do the same minus greek yogurt topper to make it vegan!