Monday, February 24, 2014

Evolution of a Blog

A new year is upon us, and in line with the regenerative spirit that provides, I have been considering this blog.   So far this blog has had two iterations of sorts: a DIY-house-into-a-home type and a refashioning-old-into-sorta-new type.   I have recently (since last summer) abandoned the DIYing in lieu of a new hobby, and I find myself yet again pulled in another direction.  I'm a little worried my blog is having an identity crisis, but I think that in itself may be the point of it.  Not to facilitate crises of existence, but rather to reflect a constantly evolving individual.
I'm a phase-y person.  This is why I have a craft room stuffed to the gills (that is also leaking into other portions of the house) with various implements of my myriad interests.  I've made soap, remade furniture, made some pieces from scratch, made lawn games, cross-stitched, sewn handbags and zippered bags, refashioned clothes, painted in watercolors, fabric painted, made jewelry, created artwork, photoshopped artwork, gardened, dabbled in writing a novel (for about a hot second), baked and cooked, made artisanal marshmallows, made candles, updated cabinets, painted a countertop, done some plumbing, redone almost all the lighting in my house, stenciled a wall (2 actually), tiled, trimmed, painted, stained, and probably many other endeavors I've forgotten (just remembered a stamping and embossing phase).  And no, I do not have ADD.  With all these interests, how can I expect myself to pick one avenue through which this blog can meander?
In light of that, I've decided that this blog will be a space that reflects my ever-changing interests, and I'm happy with that.  I might lose readers (not many to lose overall), but I'm not making any money from this blog or depending on it for my income or brand so no big deal.  These are just ideas that I like to share so someone else might be inspired to do something that makes them happier and/or healthier or accomplish a tiny step towards improving the environment or world.  So, in the future there may be more cooking posts or DIY posts mixed in, and later there may be something else that tickles the fancy of this somewhat capricious author.  But despite all that, I hope you'll check in on me from time to time anyway to see what's up.


1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful in this picture. Blue is your color.
