Monday, November 9, 2015

Food Blog Review: Gluten-Free but Good Anyway!

Yes, it's certainly been a while, but some changes in my life demanded my attention and sewing got unceremoniously pushed to the back burner.  Eating never does, however! I am always interested in healthy and creative foods to try and blogs are a great avenue through which to find dishes you never would have thought of before (or you can't really get in a restaurant).  

I have discovered a couple food blogs lately that I am completely obsessed with and cook from voraciously (and eat the same way)!  A Navy friend suggested I check out The Edible Perspective for the photography and general food blog awesomeness.  Am I glad I did!  Her photography is beautiful, and I have found some recipes that I adore.  

All her recipes are gluten-free, which doesn't matter a whit to me personally, but I appreciate a bit of variety in the way I eat and experimenting with new ingredients (rice flour? millet? why not?).  I made this first; it is an amazing use for millet: Kale Frittata with Millet Crust.  I grew kale for the first time this past winter, and it went crazy!   We are filling every pot with kale for sure.  

A-mazing!  Creamy egg frittata with lots of veggies and the millet crust is addictive
I had a hankering for another kale use and our home-grown oranges, so this Quinoa Kale Salad was perfect!
Citrusy and delicious!
I am also a new fan of chia seeds.  These little nutritional powerhouses are amazing at thickening anything, and this Strawberry Lemon Chia Curd is an amazing raw curd with an unbelievable flavor and texture.  And of course I had to make it with the gluten-free doughnuts she came up with.
Beautiful and oh so tasty!  Tart and comforting.
I've also made her White Pizza Quinoa Casserole (comfort food personified without the guilt!) and the chocolate layer of her Gluten-free Birthday Cake to make an ice-cream birthday cake for a friend.  She has a gluten-free doughnut cookbook out also!  Her recipes are easy, hearty, and comforting, and she makes food look so delectable!  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Beware the Flying Purple People Eater!: A Simple Dress Refashion

I got this dress at the shop for a song.  It reminds me of something an 80's-era kindergarten teacher would wear.  I actually really liked all the pleating on the front, but this thing was just too big and frumpy.  It also has those kind of lame two strips that you tie in the back (why not just make it fit in the first place?).  
Swallowing me up!
 Removed the sleeves (hello Florida summer), created a v-neck in the front, took it in on the sides, shortened it, and here is what I ended up with!  I took those strips and tied them in the front instead to give a more defined waist.
Light and summery!

 I took this little dress and my hubbie and we enjoyed a PaintNite experience together.  It was a good time (especially since he admits to very few artistic experiences beyond childhood drawing).

Beer, Thai Food, and paint makes for a great time!
Here are our creations.

We also enjoyed the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens on their free Tuesday evening.
Just chillin' with my gargoyle cause that's what we do
An easy refashion just in time for the summer heat!  Cheers!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Back in Black (and Khaki): A Dress Refashion

Aaaaaaaand we're back, folks (at least until things get too crazy again).   Getting through the end of school and some mad paperwork, I just couldn't muster any enthusiasm or energy to get anything done (beyond whatever was absolutely necessary), but now it's almost over and I am ready to move forward!  I found this dress at the shop for a few bucks and man, is that an unattractive fit or what?  
In mirror cat photo bomb
You can't really tell in this picture, but this dress has a nice detail that gets lost in so much fabric.  Time to remove some!

Friday, March 21, 2014

One Dress How Many Ways? Too Soon to Tell

I found this little gem at the shop for one dollah.
 It's not so bad overall; just so not my style.  I'm planning a series of refashions with this little piece, but the first one will definitely go down as the easiest.  You can't tell very well in the picture above, but this dress is one piece and a dark purple.
First I got out the only tool needed for this refashion.
Yes, I label my scissors.  My husband appreciates it.
 All I did was cut the lining that was keeping the top attached to the skirt and voila!

Ready for school on a misty morning
The top was very comfortably unfitted overall, but wasn't hanging like a tent or anything, so I felt I could just go with it.  Let's see what else I can make out of this one piece, shall we?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chalk it up to Caprice: A Storage Container Upgrade

I have been known to frequent the Whole Foods bulk section, which touts a variety of fun self-serve ingredients that one ceremoniously puts into some beautiful plastic bags (to recycle later).  Normally, I would get some of my faves and then have these plastic bags languishing all over the counter (a space I can't afford to give up to anything superfluous).  I was perusing Michael's the other day (looking fruitlessly for a silicon loaf pan, where have they all gone?) and saw some cute containers with chalkboard fronts (too small and not airtight enough to be too useful).  I thought I could perform the same treatment on containers of my choice to house my dry goods!  
Smorgasbord of Containment
 I got three OXO modular POP containers at TJMaxx and then supplemented with some more containers from Bed Bath & Beyond (with coupons in hand, dontcha know?).  All were hand-washed and they were ready to go.  I got a  little sponge brush and a container of blackboard paint from ye olde Michael's and free handed some rectangles on the fronts.
Gettin' the cure
 I did three thin even coats with an hour in between and left them to cure for a full 24 hours before attacking them with chalk.
Labeled and in charge
 Always prime your chalkboard with chalk before trying to write on it.  Now my containers are filled, my counters are empty, and my whim is free to run wild!  Three cheers for impermanent labeling!  Hip hip Hooray!  Hip hip (fill in cheer here)! Hip hip (you know what to do)!
Airtight and all smiles

Monday, February 24, 2014

Evolution of a Blog

A new year is upon us, and in line with the regenerative spirit that provides, I have been considering this blog.   So far this blog has had two iterations of sorts: a DIY-house-into-a-home type and a refashioning-old-into-sorta-new type.   I have recently (since last summer) abandoned the DIYing in lieu of a new hobby, and I find myself yet again pulled in another direction.  I'm a little worried my blog is having an identity crisis, but I think that in itself may be the point of it.  Not to facilitate crises of existence, but rather to reflect a constantly evolving individual.
I'm a phase-y person.  This is why I have a craft room stuffed to the gills (that is also leaking into other portions of the house) with various implements of my myriad interests.  I've made soap, remade furniture, made some pieces from scratch, made lawn games, cross-stitched, sewn handbags and zippered bags, refashioned clothes, painted in watercolors, fabric painted, made jewelry, created artwork, photoshopped artwork, gardened, dabbled in writing a novel (for about a hot second), baked and cooked, made artisanal marshmallows, made candles, updated cabinets, painted a countertop, done some plumbing, redone almost all the lighting in my house, stenciled a wall (2 actually), tiled, trimmed, painted, stained, and probably many other endeavors I've forgotten (just remembered a stamping and embossing phase).  And no, I do not have ADD.  With all these interests, how can I expect myself to pick one avenue through which this blog can meander?
In light of that, I've decided that this blog will be a space that reflects my ever-changing interests, and I'm happy with that.  I might lose readers (not many to lose overall), but I'm not making any money from this blog or depending on it for my income or brand so no big deal.  These are just ideas that I like to share so someone else might be inspired to do something that makes them happier and/or healthier or accomplish a tiny step towards improving the environment or world.  So, in the future there may be more cooking posts or DIY posts mixed in, and later there may be something else that tickles the fancy of this somewhat capricious author.  But despite all that, I hope you'll check in on me from time to time anyway to see what's up.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Midweek Munchies: Protein-Packed Granola

I am always looking for more ways to incorporate oats into my life.  I think I might actually have a pillow with that on it somewhere, but anyway, besides the standard oatmeal (which is never really standard when there are so many ways to juge it up) and smoothie (usually Martha's with strawberries and no honey), I like granola as an option.  I'm always trying to incorporate protein into breakfast more (in lieu of just sugar-laden things), so I morphed some different ingredients and methods into a pretty decent protein-esque granola.  

Eat me, Seymour
Protein Granola
makes about 6-8 cups

Active preparation time: 20 minutes
Waiting time: 1 hour 15 min

3 cups rolled oats
1 cup almonds (whole, chopped, or slivered)
1 cup pecans (whole)
1 cup coconut (unsweetened is a must, in bigger curls instead of shreds from a good source is a plus)
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons maple syrup (the real stuff)
1/4 cup coconut oil (or canola)
2/3 cup protein powder (I use an organic whey protein powder from Whole Foods)
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste (or extract)
dried or freeze-dried fruit of choice (I used freeze-dried strawberries and bananas here)

1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Place the protein powder, brown sugar, maple syrup, coconut oil, and salt in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until well combined and just coming to a bubble.
2. Add the vanilla and take off the heat to cool a minute.
3. Place the oats, nuts, and coconut in a large bowl and toss to combine.
4.  Pour the wet mixture onto the dry and mix thoroughly, getting some of the mix on every oat if possible, and spread the mixture evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
5. Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes to achieve an even golden brown color (and avoid burning).
6.  Remove and let cool completely. Add whatever dried fruit, if any, and store in an airtight container for about 2 weeks (if it lasts that long).

I particularly enjoy this granola over Greek yogurt for a satisfying breakfast.  This is still on the sugary side of breakfast, but it gets some healthy protein and fats in there, too.  Hope you give it a try!