Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I May Be a Little Crazy: A Dress to Top Refashion

I know I'm not crazy for picking up this little number.  It's hard to see in the photo, but the top portion of this rather ill-fitting dress is houndstooth, my new favorite.  (Hold your hats, I've got two more houndstoothy refashions in the works.)
Wow, linebacker much?
How to rid myself of football shoulder ignominy?

Of course the sleeves were the first to go on this.
Pin around the rosy (sleeve), pockets full of posies (not on this one)
 A quick zip of those through the machine, and it was sleeveless!  It had a zipper up the back, and I decided to get crazy and v-back it.
Pin and sew
 I decided not to stop there though, and this is where I might have gone off on the crazy train for most of you.  But I figure, what's the fun in doing the same thing over and over without a little experimentation?  One always learns from failures anyway.  So... I decided to get a little chain action into my new v-back.
Chain'em on, v'em up, 
v'em up, clasp 'em out, 
Chain'em on, clasp'em out Rawhide! 
Pardon my Blues Brothers lapse there.  That song is probably one of my favorite parts of that movie.  I hacked off the bottom of the dress to make this a top, finished the edges and this is what I got.

Pardon the back view.  Necessary in this case.
 I'm sorry the chain detail is difficult to see, but it's keeping that v-back together! Here is the front view.  Paired with some black pants, I was ready for work!  I actually wore a lavender cardigan over this so my students didn't get a glance at my back tattoo.  These pictures are pre-PGTips so forgive my sleepy eyes.

My modeling leaves much to be desired

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