Monday, April 16, 2012

Fun with chairs

Seriously, I have kind of gone off the deep end refinishing chairs.  I see chairs in need of love and a place in my home (which often doesn't exist, as it is quite small) everywhere!  It is officially a sickness.  First, it started with this chair...
I spray painted the chair middle white first and then let it cure and covered it with painters tape in order to spray the rest of the chair a dark brown.  I recovered the chair seat in IKEA Majken fabric (which I am in love with) to match my orange-dyed Henriksdal chairs in the dining room. But I still needed another chair for the dining table.  Enter this guy!
Not so pretty.  And I am not a big fan of caning overall.  So I de-caned him (using some heavy duty scissors, time, and arm muscle) and sanded him down for good adhesion with the paint.  I sprayed the back like the one before and created a new bottom using some leftover MDF I had around.  Added some padding and foam via staple gun, covered in a complementary orange-colored fabric and voila!
I've got a couple others that I will share tomorrow.  Any chair recovering in your future?  My husband was nervous about the two-toned back, but I really like it.  Thoughts?

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