Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Refinishing chair saga continues...

Sorry I don't have any before pictures of these, but I was too excited to wait I guess.  I found this guy at a thrift store for $8 and just gave it a seat reupholstering.  
But that's not the coolest thing about this chair.  This is...
Yup!  It is a folding chair!  So this little baby actually lives in a closet most of the time.  I know I shouldn't put Baby in a corner, but it's a small house so I don't have much of a choice in the matter.  I can't wait until we actually have enough people over to necessitate busting out this hottie.  Okay, talking about chairs like attractive people is kind of strange.  Moving on...

Found this handsome guy (ack! there I go again) in someone's storage unit.  Don't worry; I had permission to look.  It had this weird (and sooo dirty) yellow material on it, so I stripped that off, aired out the cushion a bit just in case, and primed and painted the sucker white.  A little coercion and a lot of staples later and here he is.  

So that is how far my obsession has gotten me so far.  I am almost out of room, but I am searching for that next chair that is visually interesting and has potential.  Any leads?

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