Monday, October 21, 2013

And the winner is...

Maroon Revive with a landslide victory!  Wooo!  Aaaahhh!  Okay, it may not be that exciting, but it was certainly an interesting experience having some complete strangers (and not so strangers, Hi friends!) vote on what I was going to wear.
Winner winner Homecoming dinner!
 Apparently gauzy overlays were all the rage in teen Homecoming fashion this year since we saw a veritable slew of them.  Loved being in fashion not entirely on purpose.  Since I mentioned the...extensive...amount of skin showing, I knew I wanted to make a statement necklace to break it up a bit. They are also in style after all (as seen here, here, here, here, and here).  Time for a jewelry refashion!

First I grabbed this pin/brooch that I had gotten from a thrift store for about 50 cents.
See? Left the pin on there, too.  #YeahIMayBeLazySoWhat?
 I forgot to take a true before picture of it, but the pin used to have some jewel (costume I'm sure) in the center that someone had pried out long ago.  I skedaddled over to JoAnn's to find something to fill in the middle section and found a string of blue beads in a couple sizes that I thought would be perfect.
I think you are supposed to wear this as is, but I am going to cannibalize it! #JewelryCannibalismIsKosher
 I took one of the biggest beads and simply hot glued it in place.
Phase One Complete!
 I then took the rest of my implements, namely some jewelry pliers, hot glue gun, and bead clamps, and began my journey.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and a lot of tedious jewelry work
 I removed and reattached beads alternating the bigger with the smaller versions and spacing them evenly around the necklace.
Bead Mayhem Managed
 All constructed and this is what I ended up with!

Statement made!
 A black pair of heels, my refashioned dress, necklace, and I was good to go!  The kids were pretty sedate in the beginning, so it was an easy gig.  Look forward to the next one for another refashioning challenge!
I came, I saw, I chaperoned

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