Monday, October 14, 2013

Seal the Teal: Poufy to Spiffy Homecoming Dress Refashion

If you didn't catch the Homecoming Challenge last post, here is the teal monstrosity I conquered first.  
Pouf in all the wrong places
 So much to tackle, so little time.  What to do with this?

First up on the docket was to chop the length.  Homecoming is only a semi-formal affair after all and the long dress wasn't doing anyone (especially me) any favors.
Goodbye floor cleaning, hello knees!
 The next things to get the chop were the rather...voluminous... sleeves.   I also cut off enough of the underarm to get rid of the weird pink staining.  At least someone had a good time and sweated it out in this dress, I suppose.  I just wasn't a fan of sharing space and skin contact with that part, so sayonara!
Might be the first time voluminous seems like an understatement
 So when I was picking out the dress, I saw that it was a size 12 and confidently spent my ten dollars on it, knowing I could take it in however I wanted to fit my frame.  Lo and behold, I get it home and can't even zip it all the way up!  I had a moment of dishearteningly thinking I was an 80's size 12 or something until I examined the dress more closely.  Someone had already gotten their sewing mitts on it and altered it!  There were darts all over the place, so this dress probably ended  up being a 2 or 4 instead.  Not to be deterred, I zipped it up in the back and cut a slit down the front.
Pretty risque for a high school party 
 I had a ton of the fabric from the bottom of the dress, so I cut out a panel to attach to the front. I decided to add a little something while I was at it anyway and found some black lace from another endeavor.  Threw it all together, sewed all my edges, did a little creative folding and tacking, and here is the result!
I feel pretty, oh so pretty
If this gets the most votes, I will probably make something more substantial for a necklace to break up all the collar bone.  I'll also maybe pair it with a bolero or shawl of some sort depending on the weather.
Imagine me across a darkened cafeteria for the real effect
Stay tuned on Wednesday to see the second refashion and cast your vote!

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