Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane...I Know When I'll be Back Again

The answer to that is Monday.  Taking a long weekend away from grading deadlines, retreats, soccer games, missed appointments, made appointments, and anything resembling a machine, be it sewing or computer.  Here is a teaser of what is to come next week though.

Oh the horror!
Hope everyone is able to enjoy their weekend!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Green with Envy: A Cardigan Refashion

I found a whole slew of cardigans at Goodwill with my mommikins one day.  I like the green of this sweater, but it's a bit boring.  
Snooze City
 Time to do something to liven this up!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

White and Red All Over: Retro Shirt Refashion

I do believe I found this little gem at a thrift store up in Indiana.  The collar and the pocket aren't really doing anyone any favors.
Call a doctor!  I'm seeing spots!
I liked the retro pattern and color combo, but not the fit.  Where to go with this?

Monday, October 21, 2013

And the winner is...

Maroon Revive with a landslide victory!  Wooo!  Aaaahhh!  Okay, it may not be that exciting, but it was certainly an interesting experience having some complete strangers (and not so strangers, Hi friends!) vote on what I was going to wear.
Winner winner Homecoming dinner!
 Apparently gauzy overlays were all the rage in teen Homecoming fashion this year since we saw a veritable slew of them.  Loved being in fashion not entirely on purpose.  Since I mentioned the...extensive...amount of skin showing, I knew I wanted to make a statement necklace to break it up a bit. They are also in style after all (as seen here, here, here, here, and here).  Time for a jewelry refashion!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Maroon Revive: Moves with Swagger Homecoming Dress Refashion

I picked this up at the shop for a cool tenner.  You may be thinking it's not terrible the way it is.  
Maybe it's not so bad
Nope!  The thing doesn't fit, and it wouldn't stay on my shoulders if I spelled it Harry Potter-style.  It's also a bit boring.
Disappointment reigns supreme
What can I do to make this more unique?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Seal the Teal: Poufy to Spiffy Homecoming Dress Refashion

If you didn't catch the Homecoming Challenge last post, here is the teal monstrosity I conquered first.  
Pouf in all the wrong places
 So much to tackle, so little time.  What to do with this?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beat the Pleats Part Deux: Beaten But Never Gone

You might recall I had this remnant from a skirt refashion last week.  
Soon to be less sad and lonely
 I jokingly wore it over a pair of jeans and asked my husband how he liked the progress on my skirt refashion.  His shocked look was incredibly amusing, but I was able to assure him that the 6 inches of material was indeed not intended to be a new garment for work.  I did get thinking about how to use it though.  I picked up a slightly embellished black tank top at a thrift store to attach to the mini-skirt.
Super soft from multiple washings I am sure
 I just sewed the two pieces together and ended up with this cute sleeping outfit! It doesn't seem appropriate to show what I could be sleeping in on the internet, so my silent model showing it off will have to suffice.  This means the skirt resulted in no-waste!  Refashioning at its best.
At least my assistant looks comfortable!
By the way, next week is a special week at StylishSheets since it is my school's Homecoming!  I'm not actually excited about the week itself, but I am chaperoning the dance and that presents a perfect opportunity to refashion some formal(ish) wear!  Here's how it's going to go:  next Monday and Wednesday I will post about my two Homecoming dance refashions, and on Wednesday, I will have you (my lovely readers) vote on which I should wear!  Just as a teaser, here are the two "befores."


Should be fun!  See you next week!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seeing Red: A Plus Size Dress Refashion

I found this knit dress for about $4.  Pricey, I know.  I was attracted to it because of the red and the cute black button detail.  I was repulsed by it because of the boxy cut and long, droopy sleeves.  
Shocked at how unfortunate-looking this dress is
Where to start on this monstrosity?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

An Im-Mod-est Proposal : A Sweater to Cardigan Refashion

I picked up this lovely thing for a couple bucks at the shop.  I look quite a bit happier than I feel in this sweater.
Surfing or twisting...not sure which
I feel like this belongs in a cooler weather version of Beach Blanket Bingo.  
If you are looking at this at work and can't watch a video (or are allergic to 1960s beach movies), Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon essentially sing about the joys of being young and on the beach, all while pseudo-teenagers dance around them.  Good times. What can I do with this?