Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cowl Like a Wolf: A Sweater to Skirt Refashion

I found this cowl-tastic sweater at the shop for a few bucks.
 I liked the cable-knit texture and color of this sweater, but the fit up top was horrendous!  The neck was pretty out of control, too.
Time to gift this sweater with a new life for the holiday season!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Scallops for Thanksgiving: An Attached Jacket/Dress Refashion

There is a special place in my heart for this dress; someone really tried to design something spectacular.  Unfortunately, on me, this just didn't cut it.  
Can't stop looking at scalloped edge...
 Yes, that is a scalloped edge to the jacket attached to the skirt; yes, those are ties for the back; yes, those sleeves have some puff; and yes, that material is frankly awesome.  This dress deserves an up-do.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Shell See Ya Later! : A Designing Women Dress Refashion

Wow, it has been so hectic with soccer practice and games, grading, midterm creating, and Thanksgiving and D.C. trip preparing!  Winter may be a once a week time; at least until soccer is over.  Anyway, I can totally imagine one of the cast of Designing Women full of then-hip ladies dressing to the nines for work everyday wearing this dress.  That was a terrible sentence, but I'm sticking with it.   

Danger Will Robinson!
This dress, unfortunately, was not doing anything remotely favorable for me. What to do with this monstrosity?

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Dress is Wider than the Sky: A Too Big Dress Refashion

That line is originally talking about the brain (thank you Emily Dickinson), but it seemed appropriate in this moment.  This dress, which is a lovely Ann Taylor, makes me look oh so wide.  You just know those poufy sleeves bug me, too.  
"put them side by side,/The one the other will include/With ease, and you beside."
 I'm a fan of the black and white, though, so what to do with this?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Leftover Thursday: A Remnant to Shrug Refashion

Remember this guy from several weeks ago?
Don't look too long at it; it will give you a headache.
You know, that ill-fitting dress that got chopped and turned into this skirt?
Happy with a side of green lawn!
Well, this is the remnant from the top that I had left.  It was too intact to just throw away, and I always love a no-waste refashion, so a shrug this will be!
Looking woebegone on the ironing board 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Curl Up and Dye: Drapery Dress Refashion

I found this dress at the store for about four dollars.  It's generally ill-fitting up top, but decent everywhere else.  The pattern.  Oh Lordy, the pattern.  
Not sure toile is meant to be worn as clothing
 So this dress is blue and white toile.  Not going to work for me.  I see that toile, and I think curtains, bed spreads, and maybe a chair.   That material is regularly in the home decor section at JoAnn's fabrics.  And no, this is not a homemade dress; it is Ann Taylor.  What to do to bring this more to the clothing world?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hungry? Make a Faux Pasta Carbonara! (...and a drink fashioned by my hubby!): A Classic Pasta Dish Refashion

Faux Pasta Carbonara

This amount makes 1 huge serving.  I have most of these things on hand at all times during the summer months (when my basil is growing outside). I was home alone for lunch, and this is one of my go-to dishes.  Hope you try it!

Canadian bacon
small handful strand pasta (I used thin spaghetti)
olive oil
parmesan (use the good stuff here)
fresh basil (sorry, can't use dried here)

Chop about an inch of an onion ( I used Vidalia) and 1 piece of Canadian bacon.  Sautee those in a bit of olive oil (medium heat) while you get your water boiling for your pasta (high heat).

When the water is at a rolling boil, add a healthy dose of salt to season your pasta and drop it, giving it a stir so it won't stick.

Once the onion is soft and the bacon is a tiny bit brown around the edges, turn the heat down to the low side of medium low.  Hold it here while you wait for your pasta to get al dente and scramble your egg mix.

I scramble two eggs and add about a tablespoon and a half of parmesan and some chopped fresh basil.  I season with a bare pinch of salt (cause of the parmesan you know) and some black pepper.  Keep some basil back to garnish.

When your pasta is done, toss it into the onion and bacon with about 1/2 cup of the pasta water.  Mix in the egg mixture and gently cook together (keep the heat low!)  until it forms a luscious saucy texture.  Serve it up with some more fresh basil.

I embarrassingly ate this whole plate of goodness, but I am deciding not to feel bad about it overall since it is way healthier than the inspiration dish.  You can do/add whatever you want to this.  Some fresh peas would actually be really good in it.  Give it a try sometime!

And then later.... Banana Breeze!

My husband came home from an annoying day with the phrase, "I need a drink," and proceeded to make this delicious concoction!  He has been elected the mixologist of the household.

1.5 ounces vanilla simple syrup (combine 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, and 1 Tbs vanilla bean paste and cook until sugar dissolves)
1 overripe frozen banana (you want it very banana-y...ripe ripe ripe)
5 ice cubes
2 ounces and a splash of spiced rum
2 ounces milk (we use skim, but any higher fat milk will just make this more luscious!)

Put it all in a blender and pulverize.  Sip freely and happily.  Yum!

I don't even like bananas that much and I love this drink that my hubby extraordinaire came up with (out of his head!).  [If you know him, you should be as impressed as I was.  He is we say...culinarily inclined.]  So proud!  Give it a try!

Back with a clothing-related post tomorrow!  Cheers!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

On the Wild Side: An Out There Shirt Refashion

I found this frumpy bit of loveliness in a thrift store in Indiana.
Yes, I am in a garage.  Don't judge.
 I wasn't a fan of the fit, but loved the black and white retro polka-dot and flower pattern.  I was feeling a bit adventuresome, so I decided to do something a little different with this one.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I May Be a Little Crazy: A Dress to Top Refashion

I know I'm not crazy for picking up this little number.  It's hard to see in the photo, but the top portion of this rather ill-fitting dress is houndstooth, my new favorite.  (Hold your hats, I've got two more houndstoothy refashions in the works.)
Wow, linebacker much?
How to rid myself of football shoulder ignominy?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane...I Know When I'll be Back Again

The answer to that is Monday.  Taking a long weekend away from grading deadlines, retreats, soccer games, missed appointments, made appointments, and anything resembling a machine, be it sewing or computer.  Here is a teaser of what is to come next week though.

Oh the horror!
Hope everyone is able to enjoy their weekend!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Green with Envy: A Cardigan Refashion

I found a whole slew of cardigans at Goodwill with my mommikins one day.  I like the green of this sweater, but it's a bit boring.  
Snooze City
 Time to do something to liven this up!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

White and Red All Over: Retro Shirt Refashion

I do believe I found this little gem at a thrift store up in Indiana.  The collar and the pocket aren't really doing anyone any favors.
Call a doctor!  I'm seeing spots!
I liked the retro pattern and color combo, but not the fit.  Where to go with this?

Monday, October 21, 2013

And the winner is...

Maroon Revive with a landslide victory!  Wooo!  Aaaahhh!  Okay, it may not be that exciting, but it was certainly an interesting experience having some complete strangers (and not so strangers, Hi friends!) vote on what I was going to wear.
Winner winner Homecoming dinner!
 Apparently gauzy overlays were all the rage in teen Homecoming fashion this year since we saw a veritable slew of them.  Loved being in fashion not entirely on purpose.  Since I mentioned the...extensive...amount of skin showing, I knew I wanted to make a statement necklace to break it up a bit. They are also in style after all (as seen here, here, here, here, and here).  Time for a jewelry refashion!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Maroon Revive: Moves with Swagger Homecoming Dress Refashion

I picked this up at the shop for a cool tenner.  You may be thinking it's not terrible the way it is.  
Maybe it's not so bad
Nope!  The thing doesn't fit, and it wouldn't stay on my shoulders if I spelled it Harry Potter-style.  It's also a bit boring.
Disappointment reigns supreme
What can I do to make this more unique?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Seal the Teal: Poufy to Spiffy Homecoming Dress Refashion

If you didn't catch the Homecoming Challenge last post, here is the teal monstrosity I conquered first.  
Pouf in all the wrong places
 So much to tackle, so little time.  What to do with this?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beat the Pleats Part Deux: Beaten But Never Gone

You might recall I had this remnant from a skirt refashion last week.  
Soon to be less sad and lonely
 I jokingly wore it over a pair of jeans and asked my husband how he liked the progress on my skirt refashion.  His shocked look was incredibly amusing, but I was able to assure him that the 6 inches of material was indeed not intended to be a new garment for work.  I did get thinking about how to use it though.  I picked up a slightly embellished black tank top at a thrift store to attach to the mini-skirt.
Super soft from multiple washings I am sure
 I just sewed the two pieces together and ended up with this cute sleeping outfit! It doesn't seem appropriate to show what I could be sleeping in on the internet, so my silent model showing it off will have to suffice.  This means the skirt resulted in no-waste!  Refashioning at its best.
At least my assistant looks comfortable!
By the way, next week is a special week at StylishSheets since it is my school's Homecoming!  I'm not actually excited about the week itself, but I am chaperoning the dance and that presents a perfect opportunity to refashion some formal(ish) wear!  Here's how it's going to go:  next Monday and Wednesday I will post about my two Homecoming dance refashions, and on Wednesday, I will have you (my lovely readers) vote on which I should wear!  Just as a teaser, here are the two "befores."


Should be fun!  See you next week!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seeing Red: A Plus Size Dress Refashion

I found this knit dress for about $4.  Pricey, I know.  I was attracted to it because of the red and the cute black button detail.  I was repulsed by it because of the boxy cut and long, droopy sleeves.  
Shocked at how unfortunate-looking this dress is
Where to start on this monstrosity?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

An Im-Mod-est Proposal : A Sweater to Cardigan Refashion

I picked up this lovely thing for a couple bucks at the shop.  I look quite a bit happier than I feel in this sweater.
Surfing or twisting...not sure which
I feel like this belongs in a cooler weather version of Beach Blanket Bingo.  
If you are looking at this at work and can't watch a video (or are allergic to 1960s beach movies), Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon essentially sing about the joys of being young and on the beach, all while pseudo-teenagers dance around them.  Good times. What can I do with this?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Beat the Pleats: A Skirt Refashion

I found this two-pieced dress/outfit at the shop for a few bucks.
I look like a strange mushroom that no one should eat
 The only plus side to this is that I can get at least two items out of it.  First thing to tackle was the skirt.  The waist's elastic was stretched out and the length was atrocious.  I cut it off with about an inch allowance to make it fall around knee-length.
Don't worry.  This remnant will find another home soon!
 Trying to create a pocket for new elastic without securing the pleats would prove to be nigh impossible, so I sewed a couple lines across the pleats to keep them in place.
Lines in the picture are not as wonky as they appear. I promise.  
 I created a pocket for the elastic, threaded it through, finished it off, and this skirt was finished!
Dog in action shot
 I paired this with a black top and my old reliable red knot bead necklace.
Apparently I stand with my legs crossed while I teach, or so a student told me.
 The length is just right about the knee, and the pleats fall nicely.  Who doesn't like a bright skirt for a day at work?
This might be my attempt at looking coy, not sure

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Show Me the Monet: A Dress Refashion Claude Would Be Proud Of

If you recall from this post, this Vera Wang dress was a contender for the wedding re-do.  It's definitely too big and terrifically sack-like overall.  It's got a whole lot of...stuff going on up top also.  
I'm sure my shape is in there somewhere
 How can I bring this Impressionistic canvas into the present?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Place the Lace :A Gap Long-Sleeved Top Refashion

I found this on a thrift store go 'round with my best friend from Atlanta.  We had a much better time than this top is having...
Wrinkly with a chance of long sleeves!
Here is a close up of the front of the top...see the curved area on either side of the buttons?
Sad and lonely bib shape
Time to do something with that!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Collared and Boring to Sleeveless and Fun!: A Casual Shirt Refashion

I got this little gem for a buck at the shop because of its cuteness factor.  The fit itself wasn't bad, but it was just too much of a very busy pattern.  It is also just not my style, the collar, the ruching, the short sleeve, the odd stringy accoutrements.
Strings or tentacles? I guess we'll never know
Here is a close up of the fabric.  Cute little flowers in a fun green and coral color palette!
Topsy Turvy plants in action! 
I performed this refashion before starting the blog in earnest, so I am woefully bereft of any during pictures.  Essentially I cut the whole top of the shirt off, sleeves, collar, and all.
Light and breezy for J-ville summer!
I used those string things to make straps and crossed them in the back for something a bit more interesting.  Doing this made the back gape a bit, so I just gathered evenly and sewed up the edges.  I love how this shirt fits; it is so light and airy (probably cause it's mostly gone).  Take a shirt you don't like the top of and hack away!  It'll be alright (it's only a shirt after all).  You might create something you love!
Comfy shirt for casual days!

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Sinking of the Tartan-ic: A Plaid Dress Refashion

I found this at the Humane Society Thrift Store (right next door to where we found little Lady).  As you can see, it has some issues.
Thes frock has wings!
  Horrible length, weird elasticized waist, long poofy sleeves, and...whatever these are.  Dog ears?  What is the random tab thing for?  Color me confused.  Note: All captions for this post are translated into Scots dialect using this site.
Ersit dug lugs.  I put in "awkward dog ears" and I seriously got out "ersit dug lugs."   
I have big plans for this frock!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Live to Dye Another Day:Strapless Dress Refashion

I got this strapless Old Navy dress at the shop and was not a fan of the color (or lack of color).  I'm accident prone and white clothing is always imperiled on my body.  The dress also was too big on top (as in, it wouldn't stay up...less than ideal).  
Literally keeping it up for decency sake
Time to break out some dye and thread!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Heraldry, I'm Home!: A Patterned Blouse Refashion

When I saw this at the shop, I thought of my friend Michelle who teaches British Literature at school and was known for her heraldry project.  I'm not sure what family this heralds from (get it?), but they are probably disappointed in the execution.
Frumpy and boxy
Here is a close-up of the fabric.  It has the shield and some Medieval-style writing.  The silky material is quite pleasant on the skin (too much information?) and the colors are nice and autumnal.
Vermilion and silver and gold! Oh my!
I did this refashion quite a while ago, so I didn't take many during pictures.  The reconstruction was pretty simple overall.  I first removed the sleeves (rip 'em off, rip 'em off, wa-a-a-y off!), and then cut a slit in the neck and made it into a v-shape.  When I was taking out the shoulder pads, I found some fun little bits of ruffled black material used to give even more puff to the sleeve!  I detached and reattached them to the tops of my new sleeveless top.

I also used a quick and easy pant alteration from a flared leg to a straight leg.
This is literally my fifth pair of black pants, time to fiddle wit it!
I just pressed the seams of the pants really really well and created a tailor's chalk line from the knee straight down.  I then sewed a new seam following the line and trimmed the edge.  You can see the lighter thread I used for visibility below.
Just like drawing in elementary school!
Here is the final ensemble!
Classic backyard shot
I paired the heraldry top and revamped pants with a thrifted gold necklace.  Another work staple!

Anybody else see a face in the necklace? I will call him Toby.